Midnight is one of a series of David Carroll detective novels written by Octavus Roy Cohen. With well-developed characters and an engaging, sometimes even humorous, style, this mystery features an impossible-to-explain death that is resolved in only the final pages of the book. Cohen (1891-1959) wrote both detective stories and humorous fiction, his work appearing in book form and in the Saturday Evening Post. Midnight follows another David Carroll novel, The Crimson Alibi. He also wrote stories featuring another detective creation, Jim Harvey. In total he published some 56 books. He eventually moved from his South Carolina home to Los Angeles where he worked as a scriptwriter until his death.
Book publisher: New York: Grosset & Dunlap
Book copyright: 1921
Book edition: Fourth printing, April 1922
Pages: 281
Size: 5″ x 7-5/8″
Dust jacket: Yes
Illustrations: frontispiece
Back matter: none
Digital edition © 2022 Curtis Philips. All Rights Reserved.