The Motor Boys by Clarence Young (pseudonym) is the first volume in the 22-volume series of the same name. The actual author of most, possibly all, the series, was Howard Garis. The series ran from 1906 to 1924 and involves three chums who have various adventures with their cars, sometimes solving mysteries as well. The series was one of many by the Stratemeyer Syndicate, published by Cupples & Leon Company. This first title was copyright in 1906 and serves to introduce the rest of the long-running series while telling an entire story of its own.
Book publisher: Cupples & Leon Company, New York
Book copyright: 1906
Book edition: First Edition, printing ~1912, listing 9 titles in front of book and 12 titles in back
Pages: 246 (258 bound pages)
Size: 5″ x 7-5/8″
Dust jacket: Yes, color (W.M. Allison), and reverse printed
Illustrations: Glossy frontispiece, by Charles Nuttall
Back matter: Yes, 2 pages of book ads
Digital edition © 2005 Curtis Philips. All Rights Reserved.