This issue of Electrical Experimenter is from April 1920. The cover story is “Watching Plants Grow.” Other stories include a short fiction piece, building an induction motor, long-distance radio tests, and signaling to Mars via electric light.
Contents of this Issue:
- Editorial: The Earth’s Interior Molten? (Hugo Gernsback)
- Electric Power From The Sun
- The Battle Tracer
- Heat of Body Detected 600 Feet Away
- One-Man Subway Train
- Watching Plants Grow
- Hello Mars! (H. Winfield Secor)
- Electricity Foils German Seals (Fred C. Kelly)
- The Physiophone: Music for the Deaf (H. Gernsback)
- Electro-Medical Frauds (Joseph H. Kraus)
- “The Educated Harpoon” (Charles S. Wolfe)
- Electric Bachelor Maid
- Telegraph, Cable and Radio Dispatches (Pierre H. Boucheron)
- Weighing the Earth (Louis Derr)
- Electrifying Canal Boats and Barges (Robert G. Skerrett)
- Talking Over a Sunbeam (Prof. A.O. Rankine)
- Sawing Ice By “Motor”
- This Fire Alarm “Talks”
- Automobile News
- Popular Astronomy: Observing The Heavenly Bodies (Isabel M. Lewis, M.A.)
- Sir Ernest Rutherford, On The Problems of Radioactivity
- “Rabbit Contest” Awards
- Practical Chemistry Experiments (Prof. Floyd L. Darrow)
- The Constructor: Home-made 110-Volt, 60-Cycle Induction Motor (H.H. Parker)
- Home-made A.C. Motor
- The “Finer Workings” of Static Electricity – 2nd Paper (Frederick von Lichtenow)
- Electro-Monogram Sign for the Boys
- Measuring Electric Currents With the Eye (C.A. Briggs)
- Storage Battery Repairing (Henry Klaus)
- The Electrical Machinist (H. Winfield Secor)
- How-To-Make-It
- Wrinkles, Recipes, Formulas (S. Gernsback)
- Radio Department: Some Long Distance Radio Telephone Tests (Robert F. Gowen)
- Music 400 Miles by Radio
- “Direct Current” Transmitter
- Audions on Alternating Current Again!
- Latest Radio News
- New Amateur Wireless Transmitting Set
- Selective Wireless Control (Everett Leo Deeter)
- War Versus Pre-War Apparatus (“Sparks”)
- What To Invent (Jay G. Hobson)
- Latest Patents
- With the Amateurs
- Science With A Bang (Everson Westerling)
- The Oracle
- Opportunity Ad-lets
Publisher: Experimenter Publishing Company, Inc.
Editor: Hugo Gernsback
Issue: Volume 7: Number 12; Whole No. 84; April 1920
Pages: 120
Size: 8-1/4″ x 11-1/2″
Digital edition © 2008 Curtis Philips. All Rights Reserved.