The October 1917 issue of Electrical Experimenter features the cover story “Firing Bombs by Electricity” by Hugo Gernsback. Other articles include windmill design, development of the x-ray machine, and the effects of ultraviolet light on food.
Contents of this Issue:
- Editorial: Sub-Sea Microphones (H. Gernsback)
- How Lord Northcliffe Heard Two Oceans at the Same Time
- Electric “Zig-zagger” Aids Ships to Foil U-Boats
- “Zig-Zag”—A New Thriller for the Sea Shore (George Holmes)
- Firing Bombs by Electricity (H. Gernsback)
- “Burnell R. Ford—Scientist—Electrical Wizard”
- Free Electricity from the Wind (H. Winfield Secor)
- New Electro-Therapeutic Apparatus (H. Rosenthal)
- Unique Revolving Dancing Floor
- Are There Currents About A Magnet? (F.F. Mace)
- New Portable Electric Lamp for Miners (F.T. Forster)
- The Effect of Ultra Violet Rays on Milk and Other Aspects (Dr. Humbert Bizzoni)
- Some Electrical Properties of Silver Sulfide (George W. Vinal)
- Experimental Physics: Lesson 8. Light (John J. Furia)
- Radio Department: Radio-Controlled Torpedo Devised by California Genius
- Brown University Trains Radio Experts
- The Radio League of America: The Amateur’s Opportunity (by the Editor)
- A Radio Controlled Model Boat (H.C. Van Benthuysen and Max I. Black)
- Measurements of Radio Antenna on Shipboard and Some Interesting Comparisons (F.A. Hart)
- A Key That Will Handle 1 K.W. for $1.00
- A Simplified Variable Condenser (R.U. Clark, 3rd)
- The Constructor: Making An Electric Clock (Thomas Reed)
- Building a Good Carbon Compression Rheostat
- How to Make a Magnetic Polarity Indicator (Samuel Cohen)
- Trials of a Troubleshooter (Thos. W. Benson)
- Chemical Action of Storage Batteries (Albert W. Wilsdon)
- How To Make It
- Wrinkles, Recipes, and Formulas (S. Gernsback)
- Experimental Chemistry: Seventeenth Lesson, Ammonia and Ammonium Hydroxid (Albert W. Wilsdon)
- With the Amateurs
- That “Perpetual Motion”
- Latest Patents
- Phoney Patents
- Question Box
- Patent Advice (H. Gernsback)
- Scientific Exchange Columns
- Opportunity Exchange
Publisher: Experimenter Publishing Company, Inc.
Editor: Hugo Gernsback
Issue: Volume 5: Number 6; Whole No. 54; October 1917
Pages: 72
Size: 9″ x 12″
Digital edition © 2008 Curtis Philips. All Rights Reserved