This is the April 1917 issue of Electrical Experimenter. The cover story is “Wireless ‘Phone Talks with Aeroplane.” Also included are several radio stories, a clock design patented by Nikola Tesla driven by steam, and a short story by Thomas Benson.
Contents of this Issue:
- Locating Hidden Submarines by Electricity (H. Winfield Secor)
- New Automatic Electric Buoy Never Fails
- The Automatic Restaurant
- Timing Camera-Shutter Movements Electrically
- Motorcycle Wireless Telephone Outfit
- New Suspended Elevated Railway System
- Night Flying Now Made Possible
- A New Idea for Taking Submarine “Movies”
- A Novel Tesla Steam-Electric Clock
- Tug Dispatching Via Telephone
- Why Not Cable Buoys in Mid-Ocean So Ships Could Talk to Shore?
- How to Read Your Own Electric Meter
- The “Wireless Wiz” and the Card Sharks (Thomas W. Benson)
- Experimental Physics: Lesson Three, Gases and the Atmosphere (John J. Furia)
- The Washington’s Birthday Relay and the Q.R.M. League of America
- Editor’s Mail Bag
- Giant U.S. Radio Station at San Diego Ready
- California Youth Invents Radiotelephone System
- The Early Days of Radio in America (Donald McNicol)
- The Calculation and Measurement of Inductance Pt. II (H. Winfield Secor and Samuel Cohen)
- The Constructor: Building a 500-Watt Direct Current Dynamo
- A Novel High-Frequency Ammeter
- An Automatic Electric Phonograph Stop
- Experimental Chemistry: Eleventh Lesson, Combustion, Flame and Explosions (Albert W. Wilsdon)
- Wrinkles, Recipes, Formulas (S. Gernsback)
- With the Amateurs
- Amateur News
- Official List Licensed Radio Amateurs Not to Appear Until Next Annual Government Call Book
- Latest Patents
- Phoney Patents
- Question Box
- Patent Advice (H. Gernsback)
- Scientific Exchange Columns
- Opportunity Exchange
Publisher: Experimenter Publishing Company, Inc.
Editor: Hugo Gernsback
Issue: Volume 4: Number 12; Whole No. 48; April 1917
Pages: 80
Size: 9″ x 12″
Digital edition © 2006 Curtis Philips. All Rights Reserved.