This December 1916 issue of Electrical Experimenter includes a photo insert of Dr. Lee DeForest, one of a series. DeForest was an early radio pioneer most famous for inventing the Audion vacuum tube. It was a three-element (triode) tube that went beyond a detector function to actual amplification of signals. The photo is accompanied by an article about him and another article written by DeForest. The cover story is an “Electric Submarine Camera.”
Contents of this Issue:
- Editorial: U-53 (H. Gernsback)
- Eyes and Ears for the Sub-Sea Fighters (Thomas W. Benson)
- A Giant Electric Torpedo That Eats Thru The Earth
- The Delineation of Internal Organs by A New Electrical Method
- Electricity Guides Aerial Ferry Over Niagara Falls
- An Electric Submarine Camera for Deep-Sea Photography
- Why a Mere Speck of Radium Costs $5,000
- Guiding Trains By Telephone (W.A. Wolff)
- Transmitting Your Photo Over a Wire (Jacques Boyer)
- Trolley Car Spreads Yuletide Cheer
- Photo Supplement: Lee de Forest
- Dr. Lee De Forest–This Month’s Supplement
- Electrical Xmas Suggestions
- How the “Wireless Wiz” Turned Evangelist–A Xmas Story (Thomas W. Benson)
- Ups and Downs of a Telegraph Line (Thomas Reed)
- The Marvels of Modern Physics (Rogers D. Rusk)
- Editor’s Mail Bag
- The Radio League of America: Western Radio Amateurs Offer Their Stations to Army
- Radio Department: The Arlington Radio Station (NAA) (W.H.G. Bullard)
- The Revolving Mirror for Determining Spark Characteristics (Samuel Cohen)
- Anent the Audion (Dr. Lee de Forest)
- Efficient and Economical Method of Utilizing the Armstrong Regenerative Audion System for Damped and Undamped Waves (Samuel Curtiss, Jr.)
- The Constructor: A Home-made Lathe for the Amateur (Alfonso Bologneal)
- A “Switchless,” Portable Battery Lamp
- How To Make It
- Experimental Chemistry: Seventh Lesson: Hydrogen (Albert W. Wilsdon)
- Wrinkles Recipes Formulas (S. Gernsback)
- With the Amateurs
- Latest Patents
- Phoney Patent Offizz
- Question Box
- Patent Advice (H. Gernsback)
- Scientific Exchange Columns
- Opportunity Exchange
Publisher: Experimenter Publishing Company, Inc.
Editor: Hugo Gernsback
Issue: Volume 4: Number 8; Whole No. 44; December 1916
Pages: 80
Size: 9″ x 12″
Digital edition © 2010 Curtis Philips. All Rights Reserved.