This is the July 1916 issue of Electrical Experimenter magazine. The cover shows the “Gyro Land Flyer” and the feature article is titled “The Gyroscope–Its Great Utility.” Other articles include an electric typewriter design, a dictating machine, and a strategy for long-distance electric car travel.
Contents of this Issue:
- Editorial: Announcement
- A Long-Distance Electro-Mobile of the Future (Hubert A. McIlvaine)
- Electricity’s Part on the Stage
- Secretary Daniels Radio-Phones to U.S. Battleship at Sea
- A Monster Sign with Electric Skyrockets
- Novel Electric Typewriter
- New Electric Summer Comforts
- A New Telegraphone Dictating Machine for Business Offices
- Brooklyn Tries Articulated Trolley Cars
- The Gyroscope–Its Great Utility (E.J. Christie)
- The Difference Between Alternating and Direct Current
- New English Incandescent Arc Lamps
- The Electric Furnace (Raymond Francis Yates)
- Some Popular Misconceptions of Magnetism
- New Tungsten-Molybdenum Alloy Substitute for Platinum
- Harnessing the Atmosphere’s Nitrogen Electrically (Samuel Cohen)
- The Marvels of Modern Physics (Rogers D. Rusk)
- Mimic Atoms and Their Experimental Formation (Eric R. Lyon)
- Trailing Aravilla (George Frederic Stratton)
- The Radio League of America: Radio Club Activities
- Editor’s Mail Bag
- Radio Department: Modern Transmitting Apparatus
- Receiving Two Radio Messages on One Aerial
- A Listening-in Switch for Radio Receptors
- High Spark Frequency in Radio-Telegraphy (Peter G.M. Clute)
- The Constructor: Water Wheel Drives for Private Lighting Plants: Part I. (H. Winfield Secor)
- The Construction and Use of the Gold-Leaf Electroscope (E.H. Johnson)
- How To Make It
- Wrinkles Recipes Formulas (S. Gernsback)
- Experimental Chemistry: 2nd Lesson: Definitions (Albert W. Wilsdon)
- With the Amateurs
- Amateur News
- Latest Patents
- Phoney Patents
- Question Box
- Patent Advice (H. Gernsback)
- Scientific Exchange Columns
- Opportunity Exchange
Publisher: Experimenter Publishing Company, Inc.
Editor: Hugo Gernsback
Issue: Volume 4: Number 3; Whole No. 39; July 1916
Pages: 80
Size: 9″ x 12″
Digital edition © 2011 Curtis Philips. All Rights Reserved.