This early issue of Electrical Experimenter is from August 1915. The cover story is about the government monitoring radio transmissions from the Sayville receiving station to protect neutrality between Germany and the U.S. in the period before World War I. Additional stories include “Television, or the Projections of Pictures over a Wire,” “Baron Munchhausen’s New Scientific Adventures” by Hugo Gernsback, and “An Interview with Guglielmo Marconi.”
Contents of this Issue:
- Editorial: Sayville (H. Gernsback)
- Television, or The Projection of Pictures Over a Wire (H. Winfield Secor)
- Submarine “Wireless” Signaling
- Electric Elevator Control at the Woolworth Building
- How Electricity Kills
- Illuminated Aeroplane Gives Spectacular Effect
- Edison 3,000,000 C.P. Storage Battery Searchlight
- Making Telegraph Relays Act As Sounders
- Baron Munchhausen’s New Scientific Adventures: The Earth as Viewed from the Moon (H. Gernsback)
- How Telephone Men Are Trained
- New Harmless Ray To Do X-Ray’s Work
- Finding Unexploded Bombs on European Battlefields by Electricity
- New Electric Clock Systems of the Equitable Building
- Electrical House Wiring Troubles (W.F. Bennington)
- Electric Chart Tells Percentage of Deaths in New York City
- Some Famous Electrical Laboratories
- How Telephone Transmitters and Receivers Are Made
- Our Supplement—”Guglielmo Marconi”
- An Interview With Guglielmo Marconi (Samuel Cohen)
- Electric Smoke Recorder (Frank C. Perkins)
- High Frequency Machine for Testing Insulators
- A Trip Through the Cooper-Hewitt Electric Works (Theodore Hinchcliff)
- A New Hydrogen X-Ray Tube (Frank C. Perkins)
- Feeling for Icebergs Electrically
- The Constructor: How to Build an Electric Writing Machine or Telautograph (Homer Vanderbilt)
- Wireless Department: A New 100-Watt Wireless Telephone
- Up-to-Date Wireless Set of the S.S. “Olympic”
- A Radio Scheme for Protecting U.S. Coast Line
- Wireless Relays and Amplifiers
- Government Opens New Darien Radio Station
- How-To-Make-It Department
- Wrinkles-Recipes-Formulas (S. Gernsback)
- Electrical-Magazine-Review
- Latest Patents
- Among the Amateurs
Publisher: Experimenter Publishing Company, Inc.
Editor: Hugo Gernsback
Issue: Volume 3: Number 4; Whole No. 25; August 1915
Pages: 48
Size: 9″ x 12″
Digital edition © 2008 Curtis Philips. All Rights Reserved.